Tonya Mitchell

Tonya Mitchell的個人資料

Tonya Mitchell詳細資訊(以下內容包含:Tonya Mitchell演藝經歷 主要作品 人物評價 歌曲列表 MV列表 專輯唱片列表等個人資料介紹)
Tonya Mitchell生日:1982-08-21


1982年8月21日這天誕生了一個明星,她就是來自田納西州小 鎮的tonya jean mitchell。“音樂充滿了我的生活” tonya回憶到。在7歲時她發表了第一張作品,tonya從小伴隨著著名歌星的歌曲長大,像debbie gibson, mariah carey, whitney houston 等許多歌手。


15歲時年紀輕輕的tonya在田納西州的小型慈善活動表演時被justin timberlake的祖 父發現,隨後和lynn harless的經濟公司簽約開始她的星 路歷程。接著她才2001年發行了一張名為“I represent” 的唱片,她開始到各個國家做宣傳表演,還和*nsync在 2001 pop odyessy做巡演。“tonya是個才華橫溢的女孩,我們都為她而感到驕傲!”tonya的母親這樣說道。小tonya知道她的幸運很快就要轉變了,2001年7月,tonya的父親cowboy louie mitchell去世了,這對她來說是個巨大的打擊。“事情並不是想的那么糟,你不得不接受上帝給你的一切,而且你永遠都控制不了他給你的東西”tonya說道。2002年tonya找到了她託付一生的伴侶隨即步入了結婚禮堂,2004年又迎來了他們第一個孩子。“生活在極短的時間被改變了真的很值得驚喜,我又一次體會了快樂” tonya說道。 享受了家庭喜悅的tonya,精神飽滿的準備向世界展現她的才華了。 tonya加入了一個娛樂節目開始她新的事業。 tonya用“驚喜”來描述她的事業,im having a blast!關於歌曲stay 單曲stay是80年Chris Cross民謠的翻唱,是失真吉他,豪華編曲,憂傷背景的巧妙融合。似曾相似的歌詞,柔美的旋律,舒緩的節奏,Tonya Mitchell用她18歲女孩早熟的嗓音重新演繹了一段令人感動的愛情故事。很多人聽了她美麗的歌聲,應該都會奇怪,為什麼後來這么前途無量的歌星淡出了人們的視線。這主要是因為,環球演藝公司和她中斷了續約,還有父親去世的打擊,讓她知道了親情的可貴。也許Stay with her Famliy,才是她真正的歸宿。情感緋聞:被布蘭妮“捉姦”導致小甜甜與賈斯汀分手原來賈斯汀搭上MV女舞蹈員,並非導致布蘭妮和他分手的主要原因。小報《Star》爆料,賈斯汀去年被布蘭妮撞破他在酒店與金髮女郎開房,令布蘭妮一怒之下提出分手。2001年夏天,賈斯汀正與N’Sync舉行美國巡迴演唱會,當布蘭妮致電賈斯汀時,一名19歲的金髮女郎Tonya Mitchell竟接起電話說:“賈斯汀在沖涼喔!”布蘭妮想像到望著賈斯汀赤裸走出浴室的不是自己,當然發火,其密友透露:“布蘭妮發狂,勁爆粗話,還說要踢死Tonya;又說如果可以抓住賈斯汀的喉嚨,她一定會殺死賈斯汀。”


專輯名: I Represent歌手: Tonya Mitchell資源格式: MP3發行時間: 2001年地區: 美國語言: 英語簡介: 美國新進女歌手Tonya Mitchell :18歲,一個天真無邪的年紀,正是她追逐一些青春偶像的時候,諸如Debbie Gibson,Britney Spears,Tiffany等等流行藝人PG評分很不錯的舞曲,柔美的情歌,舒緩的民謠都能情意打動她的心。每隻單曲都是為了 商業的TOP 40精心打造的。經過巧妙的安排和編配,Mitchell在歌曲中有深情款款的演唱,“Blue-eyed式的靈樂加入也讓冰 冷的電子別有感覺,加上出色的器材運用,讓她的專輯顯得很優秀。專輯介紹單曲Stay是80年Chris Cross民謠的翻唱,是失真吉他,豪華編曲,憂傷背景的巧妙融合。A Little Too Late和”I Cry Real Tears是兩首情歌,歌詞中暗示了主唱Mitchell自己愛情的失意。專輯同名曲和Broken Promises是對Madonna的回憶,是Mitchell年輕和叛逆的象徵。不止是孩子,成年人也會漸漸欣賞Mitchell在作曲和演唱上的成熟感覺。曲目:1. I Represent2.Broken Promises3. Stay4.Youre the One I Want5.A Place Like This6.Wasted Breath7.A Little Too Late8.I Dont Wanna Fall in Love9.The Only One10.Turn Around11. I Cry Real Tears12. Should I Stay其他好聽的歌Moving OnMoving OnJust getting used to waking up everydayNot seeing your faceI just began to stop setting your placeAnd I stop longing for your warm embraceAnd it was God that made me ableTo finally sleep at nightThough youre not by my sideFinally I dont hardly crySee right when I start letting goSomebody wants to let me knowCan they take your placeNo they cant fill your spaceNoI tried to move on but youre not goneCuz in my heart you still live onSee now I know whyIll never love another for the rest of my lifeAnd whyNow that youre gone Im holdin onAnd deep in my heartI wanna move onAnd now I know whyIll never love another for the rest of my lifeI finally put your cloths awayYou know the ones you wore the dayThat you were taken away from meI just began to stop wearing my ringAnd I finally stop playin our songWhe I realizied I was dancin alone andFinally God gave me strengthTo go on and breath againSee right when I start letting goSomebody wants to let me knowCan they take your placeNo they cant fill your spaceNoI tried to move on but youre not goneCuz in my heart you still live onSee now I know whyIll never love another for the rest of my lifeAnd whyNow that youre gone Im holdin onAnd deep in my heartI wanna move onAnd now I know whyIll never love another for the rest of my lifeGod knows its time for me to move onI want to feel alive againI want to be in love againAnd no matter how hard I tryI cant erase you from my mindAnd I gotta find somebody newBut I just cant get over youI tried to move on but youre not goneCuz in my heart you still live onSee now I know whyIll never love another for the rest of my lifeAnd whyNow that youre gone Im holdin onAnd deep in my heartI wanna move onAnd now I know whyIll never love another for the rest of my life Itried to move on but youre not goneCuz in my heart you still live onSee now I know whyIll never love another for the rest of my lifeAnd whyNow that youre gone Im holdin onAnd deep in my heartI wanna move onAnd now I know whyIll never love another for the rest of my lifeDo...No...


Tonya married Jason Essary in 2002. In March 2004, Tonya gave birth to their daughter, Scarlett. They currently reside in Tennessee在2002年Tonya與Jason Essary結婚。在2004年3月,生下來他們的女兒-Scarlett(斯嘉麗)。他們現在生活在田納西州。(譯者註:此段內容在翻譯時試圖尋找原文來源,但維基百科似乎已經刪除了些內容。具體內容及來源有待考察,網友自己需鑑定。歡迎補充及更正。)暫停唱歌以下內容來自Wikipedia(維基百科)On November 12, 2001, Tonya was dropped from Universal Records. Soon to follow, in early 2002, the record companies stopped returning calls and emails from Mitchells management. Tonyas father, Cowboy Louie Mitchell, decided to take it upon himself to help his daughter get back into the public eye once more and get her signed again. He died in July 2001.Following the heartache of losing her father, Tonya was soon released from the contract with JustinTime Entertainment in early 2003. It was then that Mitchell decided she needed a break from the business. She needed some time to spend by herself to truly sit down and work on things in her own life as well as spend some much needed time with her family.2001年11月12日,環球唱片公司(Universal Records)與Tonya解約,緊接著,02年開頭,唱片公司停止為Tonya收發與回覆郵件和電話。Tonya的父親,Cowboy Louie Mitchell決定親自幫助她女兒重回大眾視線並讓她再度簽約。但在01年7月,她父親離世。伴隨著父親離世的心痛,在03年開頭Tonya很快和Justin Time 娛樂公司解約。Tonya決定暫停歌唱事業。她不僅需要一些時間獨自一個人坐下並專注於個人生活,也需要花些時間陪伴家人。回到聚光燈下06-08年In August 2005, Tonya signed with her new management company, Brand-On Entertainment. She started recording a month later. Along with BAD GIRL, Mitchell has also released Shy Role, Sometimey Friend, Miss It, Blah Blah Blah and Yes I Will as well as recording a jingle for Monster Energy drink. In late 2007, Tonya was no longer signed to a management company.In Fall of 2008 Tonya announced that she is no longer actively pursuing a music career.05年8月,Tonya和她的新經紀公司-Brand-on Entertainment簽了契約.一個月後,開始錄音。Tonya一同發行了專輯BAD Girl(壞女孩)和專輯Shy Role,Sometimey Friend,Miss it以及Blah Blah Blah,和“Yes,I will”.還有為Monster Energy飲料的錄製。在07年後期,Tonya沒有再被續約。08年秋季,Tonya宣布她停止音樂事業。


Tonya Mitchell,一個美國女生,同樣也天真活潑、同樣也懷揣著明星夢的小女生,能創作能編曲能跳舞,可謂又是一個小才女!她所唱的stay這首歌曲,是80年代的民謠的翻唱版本,貫穿全曲的吉他,優美的編曲和和聲,使得這首歌充滿了濃濃的情誼和憂傷,讓人難以想像這是出自一個年僅18歲的小女生,可見她在音樂的演繹上的成熟、到位!!tonya個人照片(6張)柔美的情歌,舒緩的民謠都能情意打動她的心。每隻單曲都是為了商業的top 40精心打造的。經過巧妙的安排和編配,Mitchell在歌曲中有深情款款的演唱,“blue-eyed式的靈樂加入也讓冰冷的電子別有感覺,加上出色的器材運用,讓她的專輯顯得很優秀。單曲stay是80年Chris Cross民謠的翻唱,是失真吉他,豪華編曲,憂傷背景的巧妙融合。a little too late和”i cry real tears是兩首情歌,歌詞中暗示了主唱Mitchell自己愛情的失意。專輯同名曲和broken promises是對Madonna的回憶,是Mitchell年輕和叛逆的象徵。不止是孩子,成年人也會漸漸欣賞Mitchell在作曲和演唱上的成熟感覺。

Tonya Mitchell歷年演唱過的歌曲

  • 2009-10-13歌曲:Stay
  • 2009-10-13歌曲:I dont wanna fall in love
  • 2009-10-13歌曲:Turn Around
  • 2009-09-17歌曲:I want to fall in love
  • 2009-08-19歌曲:伴隨3年 捨棄不了的
  • 2009-07-14歌曲:超好聽的英語 不聽是你的損失 可惜不知道歌曲的名字 你知道嗎
  • 2009-06-04歌曲:清爽的女聲抒情歌 turn around
  • 2008-12-13歌曲:Stay 滿滿的悲情快要溢出來.
  • 2008-09-30歌曲:a little too late
  • 2008-09-25歌曲:you ll be the only one
  • 2008-07-02歌曲:stay Tonya mitchell I Represent
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