


女:相遇前的那些天  心裡的弦弓弩已張開


經過了些時間和等待 鼓足勇氣勇敢表態

怕你不懂我的暗示  怕你不懂我的期待

男:你若隱若現的微笑 像陽光般灑落

你溫柔的話語 像風兒輕輕吹過

我們曾走過的路 那些點點滴滴

我都記在心底 不會忘記

女:我害怕再次來臨的分別  害怕自己會傷心

我害怕你離開我的視線  害怕你不再出現

男:別害怕 我不會走遠 不會讓愛輕易凋謝

牽手再次來臨 未來不會再有寂寞

合:因為我們的愛 不曾走遠

我們的約定  是再愛一遍

彼此許下的心愿 這次一定會實現

再次來臨的瞬間 我們一定能夠遇見

女:再次來臨的愛戀  是你我共同演繹的情節

別讓回憶成泛黃的舊照片 一起用真心呵護眼前

男:我知道 我明白 你我之間不會再有傷害

我們的愛戀 會像花兒一樣盛開

合:因為我們的愛 不曾走遠

我們的約定  是再愛一遍

彼此許下的心愿 這次一定會實現

再次來臨的瞬間 我們一定能夠遇見

男:你曾給我溫暖和關懷 你的笑容我難以忘懷

合:我們說好一起等待  等待花開的那一天

再次來臨的瞬間 我們一定能夠遇見  手牽手繼續向前走  路還長 我們會永遠相伴不分開 。


Verse 1:

She used to wonder

If he would be a surprise, in her mind, day and night.

While waiting, they took time to slowly fall in love.


As the moments slowly pass by, her heart, melts into his embrace.

He vows to never let her go, their love, never fade.


So afraid of another goodbye, so afraid of breaking down.

Afraid he'll disappear from her sight, afraid he'll not come around.

He won't let her down, he's right beside, and now they're on their way.

Verse 2:

As they walk along the same path, their memories fade into the past.

She's holding on to his hand tightly, for they will never be apart.


She doesn't want to feel the pain again, she doesn't want to lose him.

He knows she's holding on for dear life, he's there to catch her.


So afraid of losing each other, so afraid of starting over.

Afraid he'll lose her trust again, afraid they'll drift apart.

He won't let her down, he's right beside, and now they're on their way.


They've been through it all together, they've been through the fire and the rain.

Now they're standing tall, stronger than ever before.

Chorus: So afraid they're feeling in their heart? You know you don't have to worry anymore. (2x)

Outro: So when you feel lost and alone, remember they're always here for you. And when your paths cross again, it will be like it never ended.