小美人魚under the sea歌詞

《小美人魚(Under the Sea)》的詞曲作者為艾爾頓·約翰(Elton John),其歌詞由伊恩·費蘭德(Ian Fraser)和朱利安·利思科特(Julian Lennon)完成。以下是《小美人魚(Under the Sea)》的部分歌詞:

Under the sea,

You'll find me,

Where the nets

Are hauled in

And the sun shines

On the surface

But I hear

The music playing

Underneath the waves.

In my coral home

I can hide,

In my shells,

For company.

My own thoughts,

The rhythm and rhyme

Underneath the sea.

Follow me, follow me,

To a land so blue,

To a place that you've never been before.

Follow me, follow me,

Underneath the sea.

We'll dance and we'll sway

To the rhythm of swaying waves.

And we'll sing a song

That the fish will hear.

And we'll laugh and play

Underneath the sea.

So come with me, under the sea,

Underneath the waves.

And we'll dance and sing and sway,

Underneath the sea.
