

I'm strong, I'm strong, I'm strong enough 我很強,我很強,我真的可以

I'll never let you break my spirit 我永遠不會讓你打破我的精神

I'm strong, I'm strong, I'm tough enough 我很強,我很強,我真的夠堅強

To take the pain away and make a better day 承受痛苦,創造更美好的一天

"Get up and fight again" they said 人們說“再次站起來,再次戰鬥”

But I don't need this life 但我已不再需要這種生活

I'm stronger than this 我比這更堅強


"You're only strong if you've been broken" they said “只有經歷過挫折的人才會變得堅強”他們說

But I won't let them break me 但我不會讓他們打敗我

I'm stronger than this 我真的比這更堅強

I'm strong enough 我真的很強,我真的足夠堅強

To take the pain away 承受痛苦

And make a better day 創造更美好的一天

I'm strong enough 我真的很強,我真的足夠堅強

To rise up and take flight 站起來,展翅高飛

I'm strong enough 我真的很強,我真的足夠堅強

To stand alone in the storm 獨自站在暴風雨中

I'm strong, I'm strong, I'm strong enough 我真的很強,我真的很強,我真的足夠堅強