

I heard a rumor about a red lipstick

It's a mystery to me

Maybe I'll find out one day

But until then, I'll keep on singing

So don't tell anyone

It's a secret

But I'm looking for something

I don't want anyone to know

I want to find my own way

It's a secret, I won't tell anyone

But I want to wear the red lipstick

Even if I look a bit crazy

I don't care

I want to be beautiful like a dream

Sometimes I feel lost in this world

And I feel like I don't belong here

But I won't give up easily

I want to find my own way

So don't tell anyone

It's a secret

But I'm looking for something

I don't want anyone to know

I want to find my own way

Maybe one day, I'll wear the red lipstick

With confidence and pride

I don't care what anyone thinks of me

I want to be beautiful like a dream
