歌詞i never give up tell me why

"I never give up" 是歌曲《Tell Me Why》中的一句歌詞,這是其中的一段副歌部分。

《Tell Me Why》是一首非常流行的歌曲,由美國樂隊“Lifehouse”創作並演唱。這首歌的歌詞表達了對於生活的熱愛和對未來的期待,同時也表達了對過去經歷的反思和對未來的思考。

至於你提到的“tell me why”的完整歌詞,它出現在歌曲的副歌部分,歌詞如下:

"Why do we fall in love with the pain?

Why do we let go when we feel so strong?

Why do we try so hard to make it last?

But we give up when we're wrong.

I never give up, tell me why.

You never give up, tell me why.

Why do we give up on love?

It's like we're taught to fear it.

It's like we're taught to hide it.

But if we open up our hearts,

We can make it last.

Why do we let go when we feel so close?

Why do we walk away when we feel so sure?

Why do we try so hard to make it work?

But we give up when we're wrong."
