聯合公園歌詞what i 39 ve done

《聯合公園》的歌詞是:“I 39 ve done,done a lot of things,tried to find,something I can\ul{know} my dream,

But now it's

over and


I had my own way and now it's time to start

a new journey.

All I can do is move on, hope my dreams come true

one day.

For now, it's a blank paper and

waiting for me to

fill it with a lot of good memories.

Sometimes, dreams don't last forever.

I need to keep going, but don't forget what

I've done.

So I will never give up,

I will keep going.

Because I know my dream is waiting for me somewhere out there.

I will find my way back to my dream one day.”

所以,歌詞中沒有直接寫出"what I've done"的具體內容,但可以推測出可能是指過去經歷的一些事情或成就。總的來說,這首歌表達了對於夢想的追求和堅持,即使夢想不再存在,也要繼續前行,追尋新的夢想。