詩歌be still安靜歌詞

"Be still" 是出自《聖經》的一首詩歌,其歌詞如下:

Be still, and know that I am God.

Peaceful be your soul,

In the Lord your quietness shall be like the snow that covereth the earth.

That shall He heap into the caves thereof: for My thoughts are not as your thoughts, O house of Jacob.

And He shall stretch out upon it the skirts of His robe, and it shall be comforted.

它的英文翻譯是:“安靜吧,要知道我是上帝。” “你的靈魂應當安靜,在主裡面你的寧靜必如積雪覆蓋著大地。” “祂將把它的堆積在那深窟之中,因為我的思想不像你的思想,雅各的家室。” “祂必伸出祂的羅裙遮蓋它,那時它必得安慰。”
