

1. "天黑路茫茫,誰伴我闖蕩?"(When the night falls and the road is lost, Who will accompany me to wander?)

2. "一生要走多遠的路程,經過多少個渡口?"(How far should a lifetime go, Through how many ferry crossings?)

3. "你的夢想,就是我的方向。"(Your dreams are my direction.")

4. "夢想在左,現實在右,走在生命的兩旁,隨時播種,隨時開花。"(Dreams on the left, reality on the right, Walking on both sides of life, Planting seeds at any time, blooming flowers at any time.)

5. "歲月無聲,卻讓人倍感壓力;生活有苦,卻總也放不下那份執著。"(Time passes silently, yet people feel immense pressure; Life may have its bitter moments, yet we never give up our persistence.)
