a complicated song weird al yankovic歌詞

"Weird Al" Yankovic is known for his unique and humorous song lyrics. Here are some of his more complicated songs and their lyrics:

1. "Eat It" - This song is about Michael Jackson's "Thriller" video and is one of Yankovic's most famous songs. The lyrics include references to the video's monster imagery and parody of Jackson's dance moves.

2. "Amish Paradise" - This song is a parody of "Mickey" by David Hasselhoff and features references to various elements of culture, including the Amish and pool halls.

3. "Video Game Lover" - This song includes references to various video games, such as "Call of Duty," and sings about how great it would be to date someone who enjoys playing them.

4. "The Saga Begins" - This song is a parody of the Star Wars theme song, with lyrics that include references to the Star Wars universe and characters.

These are just a few examples of Yankovic's more complicated songs. His lyrics often contain references to pop culture, music, and other elements that make them difficult to understand at first listen. However, once you start paying attention, you'll start to see the humor and cleverness in his lyrics.