a sailor went to sea歌詞 babybus

《A Sailor Went to Sea》的歌詞是:

A sailor went to sea, sea, sea

To seek a new supply, ly, ly

And what did he find there?

A mermaid with long hair

Who could sing like a thrush bird

And could wail like a sea-shell

Oh, she was a naughty mermaid

To make a sailor sad

For she would not say, say, say

What he must do to wed

So the sailor cried and cried

Till the tears fell like showers

And he said, "Oh, what shall I do?

"I'll go back to shore"

But the mermaid said "No, no

You must stay with me here"

And she kissed him and kissed him

Till he forgot all his care

So they lived together in love and in harmony

And the mermaid was happy for she had her man

And the sea was as blue as the day before

And the sun was as bright as the sun above

And they sailed away on the ocean so free

To live their lives in the sunshine and dream.

以上就是《A Sailor Went to Sea》的歌詞,希望您能滿意我的回答。