can i can i you're right歌詞

《Can I Can I》的完整歌詞如下:

Can I 何時才能和你再相會 (When will I meet you again)

Can I 思念你的心情 不能放棄 (Can't give up on missing you)

回想往事 忍不住哭了 (Can't help but cry about it)

不管多少次 我還是無法忘記你 (No matter how many times, I still can't forget you)

你就像黑暗中的那道光 (You're like a light in the dark)

像星星一樣的存在 (A star-like existence)

當我感覺到 失重般墜落 (When I feel like I'm spinning out of control)

卻無法救濟 (I can't save you)

Can I 即使知道不可能 (Even though I know it's impossible)

Can I 我還是忘不了你 (I still can't forget you)

愛情就像是電影 (Love is like a movie)

悲傷又讓人感動 (Sad and moving)

但是我的心情 (But my feelings)

就像夜空中的流星一樣 (Are like shooting stars in the night sky)

雖然總有一天會過去 (Even though one day it will pass)

現在的我卻無法逃開 (But right now, I can't run away from it)

希望再看你一眼你的微笑 (I hope to see your smile one more time)

一點點都不想失去你 (I don't want to lose you at all)

不管如何忍住悲痛 (How I try to hold back the pain)

再次聽到你的話 還是忍不住哭了 (I can't help but cry when I hear your words again)

在黑暗中迷路的心中只有你一個人 (In the dark, lost heart, you're the only one that matters)

Can I 何時才能和你再相會 (When will I meet you again)

Can I 思念你的心情 不能放棄 (Can't give up on missing you)

回想往事 忍不住哭了 (Can't help but cry about it)

不管多少次 我還是無法忘記你 (No matter how many times, I still can't forget you)

再次看到你的身影 請你別走 (If you see me again, please don't leave me this time)

在遠方 你一定要好好生活下去 (In the distance, please live your life well)

當我哭泣的時候 我將把你抱得更緊 (I'll hold you even closer when I cry)

我還是會一直愛著你 (I'll always love you)

希望你能明白我的心意 (I hope you can understand my feelings)

不管過去現在還是未來 我還是愛著你 (Whether it's the past, present, or future, I still love you)

即使知道不可能 但還是無法忘記你 (Even though it's impossible, I still can't forget you)

Can I 即使如此 我還是愛著你 (Even so, I still love you)