early morning rain歌詞

《Early Morning Rain》的詞曲作者是John Denver,以下是歌詞:

Verse 1:

Early morning rain 清晨的小雨

Falls from the sky 從天空落下

Just like a child 就像一個孩子

Is born again 重生


Everybody's got a little rain to go through 每個人都會經歷一些雨

Get up, get up, and take a new day 起床,迎接新的一天

It's all part of the weather 這是天氣的一部分

Everybody's got to have a rainbow 每個人都會擁有彩虹

Verse 2:

Early morning rain 清晨的小雨

Falls soft and low 輕柔的下落

Just like a prayer 就像祈禱一樣

Is heard again 被聽見


Everybody's got a little rain to go through 每個人都會經歷一些雨

Get up, get up, and take a new day 起床,迎接新的一天

It's all part of the weather 這是天氣的一部分

Everybody's got to have a rainbow 每個人都會擁有彩虹


There's sunshine after the rain 雨過天晴,陽光燦爛

Smiling through the clouds 雲開霧散,面帶微笑

All's right with the world一切都那么美好

After the rain 在雨後
