go the distance歌詞

《go the distance》的英文歌詞如下:


Verse 1:

Going the distance 遠征千里

For a love that's true 為了一份真愛

And I'll keep on running 我將繼續奔波

Through the hurricane 穿越風暴


Gonna go the distance 我要遠征千里

Gonna take it all in 我將勇往直前

Through the highs and lows 無論高低起伏

Gonna run it like there's no tomorrow 將其當作明日黃花一般追尋

Verse 2:

I'll be holding on 我將堅持到底

Trying to make it right 嘗試將其扳正

Even though it seems 這即使看似不可能

The end is in sight 已是萬劫不復


Gonna go the distance 我要遠征千里

Gonna take it all in 我將勇往直前

Through the highs and lows 無論高低起伏

Gonna run it like there's no tomorrow 將其當作明日黃花一般追尋


It's a long way down 但路漫漫其修遠兮

But I'll be alright 我將無懼前行

I'm gonna make it 我將成功達到彼岸

Gonna make it 我將成功做到


Gonna go the distance 我要遠征千里

Gonna take it all in 我將勇往直前

Through the highs and lows 無論高低起伏

Gonna run it like there's no tomorrow 將其當作明日黃花一般追尋


I'm gonna make it 我將成功做到

Gonna go the distance 我要遠征千里