hollywood the black skirts歌詞

以下是我為您找到的Hollywood the Black Skirts的部分歌詞:

演唱者:Hollywood the Black Skirts

Get the lead out 抓緊,準備好追捕了

Step out with the police 我被綁架了,但是是好事一件

Headed to the highway 一路奔向高速路

Not my jurisdiction 這可不關我的事

Nowhere to run 無處可逃

Look up ahead, eyes open wide, wait up 我已發現蹤跡,我緊追不捨

For Hollywood the baddest bitch on the west 你真棒

No love lost between us, don't stop the bus 你也別放棄追逐

In pursuit of this American dream we go for gold 我們追隨夢想,前往金礦

Can't slow down 我們毫不懈怠

Too far gone to call 聯繫不上你了

Oh yeah, got your attention 啊哈,你已經注意到我了

And now you're running scared 你開始逃竄了

And you know what they say 你說這算什麼嘛

"Don't mess with Texas" 別招惹德州女人

You can't stop me 我不會停下

And I ain't scared 我一點也不怕

Get your hands up high 把雙手舉起來

Get your hands up high 舉起雙手

Hollywood the baddest bitch on the west 你真棒

I ain't slowing down 我不會放慢腳步

And I ain't scared 我一點也不怕

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah 是的,是的,是的,是的

Got a love for danger 喜歡挑戰自我

Spend my days and nights up on my feet 我用腳奔跑著度日,享受每一個時刻

Cruisin' with no plan 不需計畫地流浪天涯

Going places that they ain't never been 不停探索新的世界

Don't know what it is 不清楚它的原因

But I know where it's at 但我清楚它在哪兒

Follow the wind, my backpack is heavy 跟隨著風兒,背包裝滿了我的心思

Head to the neon lights 去尋找光明的燈牌吧

But you can call it fate 但這就是命運的安排吧

Hollywood the baddest bitch on the west 你真棒

You ain't slowing down 你不會放慢腳步的

And you know what they say 你說這算什麼嘛

"Don't mess with Texas" 別招惹德州女人

You can't stop me 我不會停下

And I ain't scared 我一點也不怕

Get your hands up high 把雙手舉起來

Come on now 現在就舉手吧

I ain't got no fear 我不害怕,勇敢無畏!

Came here for trouble 我為了找尋挑戰而來的,你不會感到意外吧!

Outlaws, losers and thieves (在夢中我會做個好人) 強盜、失敗者和小偷,我與他們同行!(在夢中我會做個好人)

Get your hands up high 把雙手舉起來

Come on now 現在就舉手吧!

Come on now 現在就舉手吧!

Come on now 現在就舉手吧!

Come on now 現在就舉手吧!

Come on now 現在就舉手吧!

Come on now 現在就舉手吧!來吧!來吧!來吧!來吧!來吧!來吧!來吧!來吧!來吧!來吧!來吧!來吧!別再逃跑了!你的生活不止於此。繼續前進吧,我會追隨你,一起前行。你是我的靈魂伴侶,我們一起去追逐夢想吧!無論何時何地,我都會支持你。來吧,讓我們一起享受這段旅程吧!不要害怕,勇敢前行吧!