i like the way歌詞

《I Like the Way》的詞曲由珍妮·傑克遜(Janet Jackson)創作,美國嘻哈女歌手愛莉安娜·格蘭德(Ariana Grande)翻唱的版本備受矚目。


“I like the way you move,

the way you step,

got me looking like a kid in the candy store,

you got me on a high,

can’t you see,

got my heart in the palm of your hand,

got me feeling like a star,

and I like it,

I like it,

I like it.”

這段歌詞是在描述對對方的一種感覺,表達了愛莉安娜·格蘭德對於和珍妮·傑克遜(Janet Jackson)在一起感到很愉悅。整首歌以她充滿活力的語言,抒發了她對愛情的渴望和熱愛。

