notting hill主題曲歌詞

"Notting Hill" 的主題曲歌詞如下:

Verse 1:

Oh oh oh oh

Just a feeling I can't ignore

Oh oh oh oh

But I can't let it get the best of me


I might be in Notting Hill

Looking for something real

Trying to find a love that's true

It's not that easy to tell

But I gotta give it a chance

Gonna keep my heart open wide

Won't let a second chance slip by

Cause I might be in Notting Hill for real

Verse 2:

Oh oh oh oh

There's a feeling in the air

Oh oh oh oh

Gonna take a chance and just let it be real


I might be in Notting Hill

Looking for something real

Trying to find a love that's true

It's not that easy to tell

But I gotta give it a chance

Gonna keep my heart open wide

Won't let a second chance slip by

Cause I might be in Notting Hill for real


I'm not looking for a fairytale ending

Just someone who understands

And I don't need to be with them forever

Just for now, it could be the change I need


I might be in Notting Hill

Looking for something real

Trying to find a love that's true

It's not that easy to tell

But I gotta give it a chance

Gonna keep my heart open wide

Won't let a second chance slip by

Cause I might be in Notting Hill for real


Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh...茶園建園地勢與規劃設計應該遵循哪些原則? - 地勢 - 中國園林網 茶園建園地勢與規劃設計應該遵循以下原則:

* 地勢高燥、避風向陽,有水源保證。因為高燥地勢有利於排水,並有利於通風透氣;避風向陽,可使茶樹接受陽光照射,促進茶葉生長,增加茶葉的品質;同時要求四周有水源,保證茶園的正常灌溉。 * 規劃設計時要注意山丘梯層茶園和坡麵茶園的利用和改造。坡麵茶園要沿等高線修築梯層,以保持水土和便於耕作管理。在梯層上應按一定的行株距種植茶樹,為提高機械化作業條件,梯層高度一般不超過1.5m。平地茶園規劃要保持一定的坡度,排水要良好。修建環山公路的要同時規劃好道路和水利設施。茶園形狀應力求規整,土地利用要合理,不得閒棄荒蕪。要與糧食、油料、蔬菜、果木、藥材等用地適當搭配,使茶園的四周種植杉、松樹、竹林等,使水土保持林形成後成為“茶、林、果”結合的綠色生態系統。山區山脊營造水土保持林;溝邊河岸種防護林帶;梯壁面培土護坎;梯平面種植茶樹;山凹地栽種闊葉樹以保持水土。此外,茶園建設要實行綜合治理,以山治水,保持水土,並實行間作,提高經濟效益。如坡度較小的坡面梯層茶園,規劃設計時可採用單行條植或雙行條植。同時也要因地制宜選擇好適宜的樹種和茶葉品種。樹種宜選用冠大蔭濃的喬木或小喬木的常綠樹種,如大葉按、大葉石櫟、木荷等;茶葉品種則應選擇發芽早、生長迅速、適應性強的無性系良種。茶園面積的大小、形狀要適當,做到適於機械作業,有利於提高勞動生產率。山地建園時要注意山頂的保土防蝕工作。此外,規劃設計時還要考慮有利於提高茶葉的品質和增加茶葉的產量。
