taylor blank space歌詞

《Blank Space》的歌詞如下:

Baby you can tell

That I was smoking

I was sipping on that little something

That made a grown woman almost drown

So don't even lie

I know you been reading my mind

Even though I'm hard to read

You can't get no damn closer

And if you feel like I feel

Girl we could go and do something about it

Verse 1:

Got my eyes on the prize

And I ain't really looking around

But I ain't tryna be rude

But you got me all nervous now

I ain't even tripping off your friends around

I ain't even tripping off your love life

But I ain't tryna be rude to you

So I'm just gonna come right out and say it now


And there goes a blank space

On my fucking phone dialing you

You ain't answering your phone girl

So I just wrote a message in a blank space on my fucking phone girl

I ain't tryna fuck with you girl

But you ain't tryna fuck with me girl

I ain't tryna fuck with your friends girl

But you ain't tryna fuck with me girl

Verse 2:

I ain't tryna be rude to you girl

But I ain't tryna fuck with your love life girl

So I'm just gonna come right out and say it now girl

So I got to know what it is with you now baby now baby now baby now baby baby now baby baby now now now now now now now now baby oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah oh yeah baby know what it is know what it is with me hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh baby Baby boy why they hating on you baby they so lost They trippin' and you wonder why I want your boy next door When all they doing is judge and gossiping and talking about your boy next door They don't even know what they talking about They don't even know what they talking about They don't even know what they talking about They don't even know what they talking about請幫我找一些關於動物寓言的書籍,適合小學生閱讀的。最好有簡單的解釋和插圖。謝謝!


1. 《動物寓言故事》系列(共三冊):這是一套適合小學生閱讀的動物寓言故事書,每個故事都有詳細的解釋和生動的插圖。書中包括諸如《烏鴉喝水》、《龜兔賽跑》等經典的動物寓言故事。作者語言通俗易懂,插圖生動形象,能夠引起小學生的興趣,讓他們更好地理解故事中所傳達的寓意。2. 《小兔子貝拉和他的動物朋友們:動物寓言故事集》:這是一本專門為小學生設計的動物寓言故事書,書中的故事簡潔易懂,配以生動可愛的插圖,適合小學生閱讀。每個故事都包含了深刻的生活道理,可以幫助小學生更好地理解生活和成長。3. 《小狐狸阿乙和他的動物朋友們:動物寓言故事集》:這本書也是一本適合小學生閱讀的動物寓言故事書,書中的故事簡單易懂,配以可愛的插圖和生動的文字,能夠引起小學生的興趣。每個故事都包含了深刻的道理,可以幫助小學生更好地理解生活和成長。4. 《動物王國的故事:寓言與傳說》:這本書是一本有趣的動物寓言和傳說故事集,書中的故事都有詳細的解釋和生動的插圖,能夠幫助小學生更好地理解寓言背後的意義。書中包含了各種常見的動物寓言故事,如《烏鴉喝水》、《狐狸與葡萄》等。總的來說,以上這些書籍都包含了適合小學生閱讀的動物寓言故事,其中不僅包含了深刻的道理,還有生動的插圖和簡單的解釋,能夠幫助小學生更好地理解故事中所傳達的寓意。希望這些書籍能夠為你的孩子帶來快樂和成長!