can i have this dance歌詞男女

《Can I Have This Dance》的詞曲作者是黛博拉·歐姬芙,其歌詞男女版如下:


Can I have this dance 能否跳這支舞

With you 與你共舞

Through the night 穿過夜色

And the music plays 音樂隨著播放

I feel alive 我感覺活著

Can I have this dance 能否跳這支舞

Forever with you 永遠與你共舞


Can I have this dance 能否跳這支舞

With you 與你共舞

Through the melody 穿過旋律

And the memories 與我們的記憶

Can I have this dance 能否跳這支舞

Forever with you 永遠與你共舞


Oh 喔

The way you hold me tight 你抱我這樣緊

Is like poetry 是如詩如夢

Oh 喔

The way you move your body 你舞動身體的樣子

It's a magic spell 是一個魔法咒語


Oh 喔

The way you look at me 你看我的樣子

With those starlit eyes 眼神如繁星般璀璨

Oh 喔

The melody plays on forever 旋律永遠播放著

And we're dancing in the moonlight 在月光下共舞


Can I have this dance 能否跳這支舞

With you 與你共舞

Through the melody 穿過旋律

And the memories 與我們的記憶


Can I have this dance 能否跳這支舞

Forever with you 永遠與你共舞


Oh 喔

When the music starts to play 一當音樂開始播放起來時

I feel like I'm dreaming 我感覺自己在夢中一般漂浮著起舞,與你共舞。