hunting song歌詞

《hunting song》的歌詞如下:


Rise up the dawn 清晨初上

Let's start our hunt 啟程獵殺

As the light spreads, see your demons flee 隨著光明擴散,看你的惡魔逃離

Through the blinding day 在那耀眼的白晝中

Like the slayer you were 像一個殺戮者一般

Your senses soar 你知覺飛升

Wearing the skin of night 身披黑夜之皮

Like a hunter you will die 像獵物一樣你會死


Waste not your time for fear 不浪費時間恐懼

Or second guess your prey 不要對獵物心生疑慮

Draw the line and step aside 就劃出一條線讓你在一旁觀望

Eat your fill or starve 你填飽肚子,或者餓死

The choice is yours 這是你的選擇


Hunting song, the call of the wild 狩獵之歌,荒野的呼喚

Blood on the snow, we'll never stop till we hit the target 雪地上的血跡,我們永不停止直到命中目標

Hunting song, the thrill of the kill 狩獵之歌,殺戮的快感

No pain, no gain, we'll never rest till we've taken this one down 沒有痛苦,沒有收穫,我們不會停下來直到拿下這隻獵物


As the sun sets, we'll ride the night 太陽西下,我們將乘著夜色

Till the moon rises, till the stars align 直到月亮升起,直到星星交匯

Let your hunt reflect your pride 讓狩獵彰顯你的驕傲

Until you rise or die 直到你崛起或者死亡

The choice is yours 這是你的選擇


Hunting song, we'll sing forever 狩獵之歌,我們將永遠歌唱

Onwards through the night, the beast is ours to slay 在夜色中前行,野獸是我們的獵物

Hunting song, our victory forever 狩獵之歌,我們的勝利永遠銘記


We are the hunters, in our world of pain 我們是獵人,在我們痛苦的世界中

Through the endless nights and endless days 在無盡的夜晚和無盡的日子中徘徊

We will never rest till we've taken this one down 我們永不停止直到拿下這隻獵物