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《The Picture Show》發行時間:2003年地區:英國語言:英語專輯類型: Britpop/Indie Rock唱片公司:Fantastic Plastic專輯曲目:01. Sparkle Me02. Casino03. Sunlight04. A Guide to Happiness05. The Day She Fell to Earth06. Who Stole the Weekend07. Barricade08. Coward09. Riot10. Buy Her Flowers11. Ocean Blue12. Hideaway建議在VeryCD下載


The Buffseeds, a U.K. indie-rock band, are only just entering the music scene. But their full-length debut Picture Show is a very pretty album. Kieran Scraggs falsetto can be a bit distracting, but what comes after is a light, pensive little mix of rock and ballads.A rhythm comes into the album from the very start: It opens with the sparkling, airy pop of Sparkle Me. Its laid-back, but soars every now and then, on the back of a beautiful keyboard melody. On the other hand, Casino is gloom-rock, still soaring and exquisitely multilayered, given a few extra shoves with the echoing bass.After that, the Buffseeds alternate between midtempo rock songs and ethereal pop ditties, both written to bittersweet lyrics about love, loss and loneliness. The latter sound a bit like Turin Brakes mixed with a bit of Mandalay. At times it sounds like Scragg is torn between wanting to be Thom Yorke and Billy Corgan -- the music is more like Radiohead, but when the music swells he lets rip like Corgan when hes really into the music.That vague confusion is the only thing that keeps the Buffseeds debut from being really outstanding. It needs a bit more musical complexity and passion -- THEN it will be really good. As it is, the midtempo rockers dont quite measure up to the airy, swirling Hammond ballads. Theyre pretty good and bittersweetly beautiful, but theyre not quite there yet.Kieran Scragg sounds completely androgynous here -- he may be the first singer I have heard with gender-bending vocals. Sometimes he sounds like a fey man, sometimes like a woman. It suits the shoegazer pop better than it does the rock songs, where he sounds like the music is going too fast for him to follow.When the Buffseeds solidify their sound, then they will probably be an excellent band. Their debut is a pretty, airy pop collection, and if the wrinkles were ironed out it would be outright beautiful.