

I am a man in a burning world, 我是個身處於烈火世界中的男人

With no control over what I'm feeling, 對於我內心的感受我無能為力

And I've been up and I've been down, 我曾一路高歌也曾在低谷徘徊

But I'm feeling out and I'm feeling down, 我感到迷茫,心情低落

But there's a hero in me that they can't see, 但我內心深處的英雄他們卻無法看見

And I'm gonna save you from the pain, 我會將你從痛苦中拯救出來

And I'm gonna save you like a superman, 我會像超人一樣拯救你

With super strength and courage, unbreakable, 我擁有了超人般的力量和無懈可擊的勇氣

I will find a way to save you, 我將找到方法來拯救你

And they can tear us apart, and it don't matter, 因為他們會拆散我們,但那不會讓任何事情有所改變

I am a king with a broken crown, 我是個帶著破碎王冠的國王

And the weight of the world is crushing me, yeah, yeah, 世界的重量正壓得我喘不過氣來

But I am standing tall, I am breaking free, 但我現在正昂首挺胸,掙脫束縛

And I'm gonna save you like a superman, 我會像超人一樣拯救你

With super strength and courage, unbreakable, 我擁有了超人般的力量和無懈可擊的勇氣

I will find a way to save you, yeah, 我將找到方法來拯救你

Superman, superman, yeah, 超人,超人

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

But there's a hero in me that they can't see, 但我內心深處的英雄他們卻無法看見

And I'm gonna save you from the pain, 我會將你從痛苦中拯救出來

And I'm gonna save you like a superman, 我會像超人一樣拯救你

With super strength and courage, unbreakable, 我擁有了超人般的力量和無懈可擊的勇氣

I will find a way to save you, 我將找到方法來拯救你

Superman, yeah, yeah 超人
